Saturday, February 7, 2015

Episode 4: I'm Confused, But Is That the Point?

I'm gonna be honest with you guys - I listened to Episode 4 twice because I was convinced that I spaced out while listening the first time, and that's why nearly everything Sarah Koenig was saying just made the case even more confusing.

Then, I realized that...that was just the way it actually went.

I suppose the most confusing part really came through with Jay. It just blew my mind that Jay was able to change his story as many times as he did, and Adnan's case still came out the way it did. The prosecution used Jay in the trial, right? How did that work out? How could no one have noticed that Jay changed his story so many times, and so significantly?

The easy conclusion to come to when it comes to Jay's changing story is that he was an unprepared teenager who felt a need to fabricate Adnan's guilt. That Adnan didn't do it, or at least he didn't do it the way Jay described. The first thing that really got me dubious was the fact that Jay changed where he met Adnan with the body. Because, as much one can believe that a teenager, nervous in an interrogation room, would forget some details, could one really forget where they saw a dead body? Then, though, I thought back to the alibi experiments that my group did for the podcast and yeah, you know what, it isn't that hard to forget which store one was at. Especially if the mind was focused on a friend/acquaintance being a murderer, and seeing a dead body, perhaps the store did slip past Jay's memory. That's just one of the weird parts to Jay's story.

Now, what really gets me about this is that, well, if Jay's story was so all over the place, why was it used in Adnan's trial? I'm no expert here, but how can the prosecution trust Jay's testimony if he's given so many different versions of his story? Is the idea that the last time they interviewed Jay that it's assumed that Jay had gone through his confession of sorts, finally putting all the lies out on the table? How did the jury not become skeptical? How did the defense not take advantage of the fact that, like, Jay doesn't even seem like a logical guy for Adnan to bury a body with?

And then that Stephanie stuff...another layer to Jay. Did he frame Adnan? Ugh, none of this makes sense. Thanks, Serial.

P.S. Facebook is spoiling Serial. Not Cool.

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