Episode 6 of Serial
I am in agreement with my peers in finding this episode to be one of the most compelling thus far. Finally, we learn that Koenig has been holding a lot back from us, as she reveals several fascinating and controversial aspects of the case. One such bit that piqued my interest is the story involving Laura and the "neighbor boy".
Although none of us could ever possibly know who is telling the truth in this situation, it is interesting to approach the case hypothetically with this new information. As it stands, many people likely do not trust Jay's testimony and remain convinced in Adnan's innocence. Yet, what if the neighbor boy really did, as Laura claims, see the body of Hae in Adnan's trunk? Likely, the case would have been closed much more quickly due to the second witness and "Serial" would have never been subsequently produced. A second witness would have changed the entire case. However, we are only left with more frustration and confusion. The neighbor boy continues to deny that he ever saw the body. If he's telling the truth, why then might Laura and her father have called the police? Adnan was already going to jail, why risk their reputation by lying about something like that? And if Laura is telling the truth, why might the boy have changed his story?
Another interesting aspect of the episode occurs at the end when Koenig reveals much about her conversations with Adnan. It is obvious that she has a bit of soft spot for the guy, repeatedly claiming how he seems so "nice"and that she knows him better than some of her friends. They also discuss philosophy and human potential for a brief moment. Does every person have within them the potential to kill another human being? Are the people who get labeled as "murderers" those who simply succumbed to their inner Freudian impulses?
A final interesting component about the episode is that Koenig seems to open up more to her listeners. We can hear the aggravation in her voice as she constantly tries to approach the dilemma from new angles. Perhaps one reason I felt the episode to be so powerful is that I found myself empathizing with the frustrated Koenig, who has spent a year of her life obsessing over this case. In a recent USA Today article, Koenig claims that all of the "media attention and online criticism" has caused her "great stress". After reading the article, I feel less convinced about Koenig's potential motivations to produce the series for entertainment purposes. After all, she seems less than thrilled about the fact she got spoofed on SNL. What do you guys think?
Link to article: http://college.usatoday.com/2015/01/31/sarah-koenig-still-searching-for-serial-season-two-topic/